Admission Staff

To connect with your admission representative, please find the counselor who works with the state or county in which you attend school. 国际领土由 global region and/or nation. You can also search by your school. We also have specific CC representatives 和世界联合学院的学生一起工作.

Traveling Staff

Matthew Bonser

Matt Bonser '98
Director of Admission
Email Matt Bonser
(719) 389-6345

From: Los Angeles, CA, and Portland, OR
Education: 政治科学和西班牙语文学学士(赌博正规的十大网站)
Programs and projects: I work on systems, operations, international recruitment, athletic recruitment, and data/reporting.
States: KS, ND, NE, OK, SD
Favorite book: Whatever I'm reading right now, 理查德·赖特的《赌博正规的十大网站》, 大卫·塞达里斯的《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》, "Desert Solitaire" by Edward Abbey, 科马克·麦卡锡的《赌博正规的十大网站》.
Favorite place on campus: The labyrinth next to Shove Chapel
When I'm not working, I'm: I love books, podcasts, learning new things, staying fresh, and being outside.
Words of wisdom: "Do. Or do not. There is no try."  Yoda


Breanna Conwell '19
外联招生处助理处长 & Access
Email Breanna Conwell
(719) 389-6944

From: Gaffney, SC
Education: 人类学文学士(赌博正规的十大网站)
To be determined
Favorite book: 有点小众,但是马库斯·萨缪尔森的《赌博正规的十大网站》. His work really opened my eyes to the ideas of cultural and culinary anthropology, which have deeply impacted how I see the world (and CC let me do my thesis on it, which was super cool!)
Favorite place on campus: When I was a student, 我几乎住在科西特圆形剧场和沃纳广场, but I am becoming quite partial to my office and its incredible view of Pikes Peak!
When I'm not working, I'm: perpetually exploring! 我总是努力寻找新的吃饭的地方(把你最好的推荐发给我), 减压的地方(喜欢在马尼托四处走走), and places to feel alive (concerts, fairs, hanging with friends).
Words of wisdom: 选择一所大学可能是一个充满压力的经历, 但它也可以是一次充满自我发现的经历, wonder, and beauty. 我恳求你去寻找那些时刻,并真正去追求它们! 对你和对你真实的东西不会把你引入歧途. 还有,不要害怕问我们问题!


Hillary Dickman
Assistant Director of Admission
Email Hillary Dickman
(719) 389-7151

From: Lafayette, CA
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Interpersonal Communication (Miami University) and Master of Arts in Intercultural Communication (Miami University)
States: CO (Chaffee, Delta, Dolores, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Lake, La Plata, Mesa, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, San Miguel, Summit), MA (central, eastern), ME, NH, VT
Favorite book: "Farewell, My Subaru" by Doug Fine and "The Omnivore’s Dilemma" by Michael Pollan.
Favorite place on campus: The lawn west of Cutler. 这是一个晒太阳(或阴凉处)的好地方!) and have a quiet moment.
When I'm not working, I'm: Outside. Gardening, hiking, hammocking (almost always while listening to a podcast or a book.)
Words of wisdom: "Change is the only constant in life." — Heraclitus


Alex Dominguez
外展招生副主任 & Access
Email Alex Dominguez
(719) 389-7156

From: Reading, PA and Toluca, Mexico
Education: 西班牙语文学学士(乌尔西纳斯学院)
States and Territories: CO (Alamosa, Archuleta, Baca, Bent, Cheyenne, Conejos, Costilla, Crowley, Custer, Elbert, El Paso, Fremont, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Las Animas, Lincoln, Mineral, Otero, Prowers, Pueblo, Rio Grande, Saguache), PR, TX (southern)
Favorite book: Love/hate relationship with “El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes. Another top pick of mine would have to be “Cien años de soledad” by Gabriel García Márquez.
Favorite place on campus: Honestly, my office in Cutler Hall. 除了我和一些很棒的人一起工作, 从我的窗口看到的派克峰景色令人叹为观止.
When I'm not working, I'm: 要么关注费城的体育动态(小鸟加油)!), spending time with my family, or planning my next awesome trip — I’m trying to see as much of this great big world as possible.
Words of wisdom: “¡Ponte las pilas! — my wonderful mother; “Not everything that is faced can be changed. 但在面对它之前,什么也改变不了.” — James Baldwin

Michael Garcia

Michael Garcia
Assistant Director of Admission
Email Michael Garcia
(719) 389-6061

From: Los Angeles, CA
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Latin American and Latinx Studies (Vassar College)
Favorite book: 尤里·埃雷拉的《世界末日前的迹象
Favorite place on campus: Cutler Hall
When I'm not working, I'm: Cheering for the LA Galaxy, attending trivia nights, and exploring the outdoors
Words of wisdom: "We keep on learning, we keep on teaching, and we'll measure our growth tomorrow."  Tree Arrington

Mark Hatch

Mark Hatch
Vice President for Enrollment
Email Mark Hatch

From: Castine, ME
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Bates College), Master in Education (Harvard University)
Why did you choose CC: I arrived at CC in 2001 after having several previous jobs in education, including work in admission as Assistant Dean of Admission at Bates College and Director of Admission at Occidental College. I also served as a teacher and college counselor at Harvard-Westlake and Marlborough Schools in Los Angeles. I kept hearing about the unique and dynamic curriculum at CC and I have been amazed at how authentic and deep the engagement is between students and professors. The people at CC are truly remarkable-聪明,谦虚,对教育认真,但他们是合作的-not competitive-and fun to be around!
Hobbies: 我打冰球,喜欢爬山.
Favorite place on campus: Cutler Hall, of course!
Favorite meal in Rastall: Global Station-always delicious.
Advice for CC applicants: 把握好自己的脉搏,把握好这个过程. The school that was right for your father, sister, or close friend may not be the best place for you. 享受这个过程,记住大学生活可以是惊人的.


Michael Hellman
Assistant Director of Admission
Email Michael Hellman
(719) 389-7159

From: Woodbridge, CT
Education:  Bachelor of Arts in English (Carleton College), Master’s in Education (Harvard University)
States: CO (Clear Creek, Douglas, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson, Larimer, Moffat, Park, Rio Blanco, Routt, Teller), DC, DE, MD, VA, WV
Favorite book: It’s hard to pick just one! 我会坚持看我现在正在看的书, because it’s incredible:"Bridge Squeezes Complete: Winning Endgame Strategy" by Clyde E. Love. 其他候选作品包括J.R.R. Tolkien, "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway.
Favorite place on campus: Cutler Hall, but Josh and John’s ice cream on Tejon Street is a very close second.
When I'm not working, I'm: Probably playing bridge, hiking, or learning more about one of the two. 我正在努力完成科罗拉多的14项任务,000-foot peaks, 这是一场以各种方式不断付出的冒险. 除了睡眠质量,它并不总是能提供很多.
Words of wisdom: “我们通过自己的意图来判断自己,通过他人的行为来判断他人." – Stephen Covey

Karen Kristof

Karen Kristof
Email Karen Kristof
(719) 389-6344

From: Illinois and Massachusetts
Education: 心理学与经济学文学士(史密斯学院)
Programs and projects: 监督招生办公室的工作人员、项目和计划. 我花了很多时间开会和支持新的倡议. I'm lucky to work with a creative and dynamic group of professionals – BEST.TEAM.EVER!
States: CT, MA (western), RI
International: Africa, China
Favorite book: Tracy Kidder's "Hometown" and Roxane Gay's "Hunger" are among my favorites. "Half the Sky" is an incredible book, too, even if I'm not related to co-author Nick Kristof!
Favorite place on campus: 我在卡特勒大厅的办公室——至少目前是这样. 还在探索CC校园的其他地方!
When I'm not working, I'm: 旅行,做志愿者,听音乐,看电影.
Words of wisdom: "Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you, let them inspire you." – Michelle Obama


Saúl Maravilla '19
外联招生处助理处长 & Access
Email Saúl Maravilla
(719) 389-6220

From: Tecolotlan, Mexico and Phoenix, AZ
Education: 分子生物学文学士(赌博正规的十大网站)
States: NJ, NY (outside NYC), PA
Favorite book: I don't have a favorite book, but my favorite genres are sci-fi and magical realism.
Favorite place on campus: Sacred Grounds
When I'm not working, I'm: Gardening (specifically veggies to make delicious salsas), cooking, painting, hiking.
Words of wisdom: “世界上最难的事情是活在其中。. Be brave. Live." - Buffy Summers


Ashley Mohrenweiser
招生副主任-系统 & Analytics
Email Ashley Mohrenweiser
(719) 389-6261

From: Bullhead City, AZ originally, but I’ve lived in Colorado nearly my whole life, so this is “home.”
Education:  Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Western Colorado University) and Master of Arts in Leadership (University of Colorado Colorado Springs)
州和地区:AK, AR, AS, GU, IA, LA, MN, MO, OR, WA, WI
International: Canada
Favorite books: “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown and “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte
Favorite place on campus: The top of Tiger Trail for a beautiful view of the mountains overlooking the CC sports fields.
When I'm not working, I'm: Spending time with my son and my dogs or trying new restaurants in Colorado Springs.
Words of wisdom“我告诉自己:也许在另一种生活中. Isn’t that interesting? As if I had more than one.” – Glennon Doyle


Courtney Salazar
Associate Director of Admission & 国际招聘协调员
Email Courtney Salazar
(719) 389-6054

From: Burlington, VT, and Albuquerque, NM
Education: Bachelor of Arts in English: Creative Writing and Master of Arts in Secondary Education (University of New Mexico)
States: AZ, CO (Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld, Yuma), ID, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY
International: Asia (excluding China)
Favorite book: 《梦游者舞蹈指南》米拉·雅各布著
Favorite place on campus: Fine Arts Center
When I’m not working, I’m: Walking around my neighborhood, traveling, reading, scheming about my next meal, and sending snail mail to loved ones
Words of wisdom: "All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you." — Octavia Butler


Marissa Salazar
Email Marissa Salazar
(719) 389-7994

From: Orlando, FL
Education: 理学士(南佛罗里达大学), 教育学硕士(中佛罗里达大学)
States: AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC
International: Europe, Oceania
Favorite book: "阿加莎·克里斯蒂的《赌博正规的十大网站》
Favorite place on campus: 康斯特圆形剧场——校园里隐藏的宝石
When I'm not working, I'm: hiking, backpacking, cuddling with my pup Gus, traveling, kayaking with friends, enjoying boba with my partner, 吸收了300多天的阳光!
Words of wisdom: "如果你不出手,你就百分百错过了.——韦恩·格雷茨基,迈克尔·斯科特,玛丽莎·萨拉查


Dylan Sanchez
Senior Assistant Director of Admission
Email Dylan Sanchez
(719) 389-6448

From: Castle Rock, CO
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Journalism: News and Multimedia (University of Northern Colorado), Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science: Sport Administration (University of Northern Colorado)
States: IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, TN
Favorite book: "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand
Favorite place on campus: Cutler Hall. There is so much history in the walls and it's a beautiful building to get to work in.
When I'm not working, I'm: 在埃斯蒂斯公园远足我最喜欢的自然小径, 但更常见的是,我花时间看冰球比赛.
Words of wisdom: “应该允许孩子们更经常地破坏东西. That's the consequence of exploration. 探索是当你不知道自己在做什么的时候所做的事情."  Neil deGrasse Tyson.


Edward Truong
Senior Associate Director of Admission
Email Edward Truong
(719) 389-6342

From: San Diego, CA
Education: 加州大学政治学文学学士, Los Angeles), Master of Science in Education in Higher Education (University of Pennsylvania)
States: CA (southern), HI, NY (NYC)
Favorite book: 伊塔洛·卡尔维诺的《赌博正规的十大网站》
Favorite place on campus: Tava Quad
When I'm not working, I'm: Wandering aimlessly around malls, watching movies, and trying to finish the New York Times Mini Crossword in under a minute.
Words of wisdom: "Live every week like it's Shark Week." – Tracy Jordan

Campus-Based Staff


Patrick Hull
Enrollment Systems Administrator

From: Grant City, MO
Education: Bachelor of Science in Music Education (University of Missouri-Columbia, Summa Cum Laude)
Programs and projects:数据、报告、注册系统管理
Favorite book:阿瑟·柯南·道尔的《赌博正规的十大网站》
Favorite place on campus: The west-facing balcony of Cutler Hall
When I'm not working, I'm: Reading, following Mizzou athletics, working out at the fitness center, avoiding infinite loops, defending Pluto's status as a planet, and protecting the very fabric of the space time continuum (for data integrity purposes)
Words of wisdom: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law." - Hofstadter's Law


Emily Miller
Admission Coordinator
Email Emily Miller
(719) 389-7157

From: Colorado Springs, CO
Education: 古典文学学士(科罗拉多大学博尔德分校)
Favorite books: 斯科特·林奇的《赌博正规的十大网站》, “Dune” by Frank Herbert, 艾琳·摩根斯顿的《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》
Favorite place on campus: The Fine Arts Center
When I'm not working, I'm: Enjoying the outdoors, gardening, reading, skiing, drawing, hosting game nights, baking, and throwing tea parties.
Words of wisdom: “只要我们努力,没有什么是我们做不到的, never sleep, 逃避生活中其他的责任.” -Leslie Knope


Eva Sipic
Email Eva Sipic
(719) 389-6118

From: Long Island, NY
Education: 音乐治疗学士(贝尔蒙特大学)
Favorite books: 玛雅·安杰洛的《赌博正规的十大网站》, “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls, 盖尔·霍尼曼的《赌博正规的十大网站》
Favorite place on campus: Tava Quad
When I'm not working, I'm: Watering my plants, posting up at a local coffee shop, reading, spending time with friends and family, and doing yoga.
Words of wisdom: “我知道人们会忘记你说过的话, people will forget what you did, 但人们永远不会忘记你给他们的感觉.” - Maya Angelou


Amanda Trostad
领导入场协调员-操作 & Events
Email Amanda Trostad
(719) 389-7152

From: Disputanta, VA
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Favorite book:"Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers
Favorite place on campus: Shove Memorial Chapel
When I'm not working, I'm: Reading or hanging out with friends and dreaming about the next great adventure.
Words of wisdom: 礼貌和感恩会让人们更愿意帮助你. And if people are willing to help you, you may accidentally get what you want.” - Jason Sudeikis


Rosalinda Van Dyke
Admission Coordinator
Email Rosalinda Van Dyke
(719) 389-6795

From: Colorado Springs, CO
Education: 传播艺术文学学士(西科罗拉多大学)
Favorite book: 《赌博正规的十大网站》(A Court of Thorns and Roses)(系列. Maas
Favorite place on campus: Cutler Hall
When I'm not working, I'm: Spending time with family/friends, reading, exploring the outdoors, or hanging out with my cat.
Words of wisdom: “Be happy, not because everything is good, 而是因为你能看到事物好的一面。”——佚名

Report an issue - Last updated: 04/23/2024